
A registry for revisioned files, scoped under the given path.

package com.example

object AppAssets : RevFileRegistry("/assets/") {
val main: RevisionedFile = resource("main.js")
val styles: RevisionedFile = resource("styles.css")

fun Application.module() {
install(RevFilePlugin) {


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constructor(path: String)


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The base path for this registry.


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fun WriteableRevFileRegistry.file(file: File, contentType: ContentType = ContentType.defaultForFile(file), name: String = RevisionedFile

Creates a new RevisionedFile from the given file and adds it to this WriteableRevFileRegistry.

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operator override fun get(path: String): RevisionedFile?

Returns the revisioned file associated with the given path, or null if no such file exists.

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operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<RevisionedFile>
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override fun register(originalName: String, contentType: ContentType, content: OutgoingContent.ReadChannelContent): RevisionedFile

Registers and returns a revisioned file. This is the most general function to create a revisioned file.

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fun WriteableRevFileRegistry.resource(resource: String, name: String = resource.substringAfterLast('/'), contentType: ContentType = ContentType.defaultForFilePath(resource), classLoader: ClassLoader = checkNotNull( { "Failed to get a class loader for loading resource '$resource'." }): RevisionedFile

Creates a new RevisionedFile from the given JVM resource and adds it to this WriteableRevFileRegistry.

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override fun size(): Int

Returns the number of registered files.

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fun WriteableRevFileRegistry.source(originalName: String, contentType: ContentType = ContentType.defaultForFilePath(originalName), content: () -> Source): RevisionedFile
fun WriteableRevFileRegistry.source(path: Path, contentType: ContentType = ContentType.defaultForFilePath(path.toString()), originalName: String =, fileSystem: FileSystem = SystemFileSystem): RevisionedFile

Creates a new RevisionedFile from the given source and adds it to this WriteableRevFileRegistry.

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open override fun toString(): String
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fun WriteableRevFileRegistry.uri(uri: URI, name: String = uri.toString().substringAfterLast('/'), contentType: ContentType = ContentType.defaultForFilePath(uri.path)): RevisionedFile

Creates a new RevisionedFile from the given URI and adds it to this WriteableRevFileRegistry.

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fun WriteableRevFileRegistry.url(url: URL, name: String = url.toString().substringAfterLast('/'), contentType: ContentType = ContentType.defaultForFilePath(url.path)): RevisionedFile

Creates a new RevisionedFile from the given URL and adds it to this WriteableRevFileRegistry.