
Describes a revisioned file, meaning its path is unique based on its content.

Revisioned files must be created by using one of the various extension functions on WriteableRevFileRegistry. create is the most general function to create a revisioned file, while source provides interop with

Depending on your platform, convenient factories like resource or file are also available.

package com.example

object AppAssets : RevFileRegistry("/assets/") {
val main: RevisionedFile = resource("main.js")
val styles: RevisionedFile = resource("styles.css")


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The content type of this file, e.g. text/javascript

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The computed integrity for this file, e.g. sha256-XHyohF/kGOwoCv4RWnG0Epk/njHhmJdiOntPLZiMhQE=.

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The original name of the file (without a revision), e.g. main.js.

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The full path of this file, e.g. /assets/example.5c7ca8845f.js


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open override fun toString(): String