• Use this if you want to avoid a new array when using Array#filter, e.g. when the input array is very large. Very much depending on the inputs and the hardware, this function will be more efficient than Array#filter at 10,000+ items.

    Type Parameters

    Type Parameters

    • T

    • U


    • iterable: Iterable<T>
    • predicate: ((item: T) => item is U)
        • (item: T): item is U
        • Parameters

          • item: T

          Returns item is U

    • Optional options: { inputLimit?: number; outputLimit?: number; startIndex?: number }
      • Optional inputLimit?: number
      • Optional outputLimit?: number
      • Optional startIndex?: number

    Returns Generator<U, void>

  • Use this if you want to avoid a new array when using Array#filter, e.g. when the input array is very large. Very much depending on the inputs and the hardware, this function will be more efficient than Array#filter at 10,000+ items.

    Type Parameters

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • iterable: Iterable<T>
    • predicate: ((item: T) => boolean)
        • (item: T): boolean
        • Parameters

          • item: T

          Returns boolean

    • Optional options: { inputLimit?: number; outputLimit?: number; startIndex?: number }
      • Optional inputLimit?: number
      • Optional outputLimit?: number
      • Optional startIndex?: number

    Returns Generator<T, void>

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