Package-level declarations


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data class ImportMap(val imports: Map<String, String> = emptyMap, val scopes: Map<String, Map<String, String>> = emptyMap(), val integrity: Map<String, String> = emptyMap)

An importmap definition.

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Global configuration for HTML extension functions.


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Determines whether the script function should set the type to module by default. You need modules if you are using import statements and import maps.

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Determines whether the subresource integrity attribute should be set by default, when calling the convenience script and stylesheet functions.


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fun FlowOrMetaDataOrPhrasingContent.importMap(importMap: ImportMap)

Adds a <script type="importmap"> tag for the given ImportMap.

fun FlowOrMetaDataOrPhrasingContent.importMap(vararg files: RevisionedFile, integrity: Boolean = RevFileHtml.useSubresourceIntegrity)

Adds a <script type="importmap"> tag for the given revisioned files.

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fun FlowOrMetaDataOrPhrasingContent.script(file: RevisionedFile, crossorigin: ScriptCrossorigin? = null, integrity: Boolean = RevFileHtml.useSubresourceIntegrity, module: Boolean = RevFileHtml.useJsModules, block: SCRIPT.() -> Unit = {})

Adds a <script> tag for the given revisioned file.

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fun HEAD.stylesheet(file: RevisionedFile, crossorigin: ScriptCrossorigin? = null, integrity: Boolean = RevFileHtml.useSubresourceIntegrity, block: LINK.() -> Unit = {})

Adds a <link rel="stylesheet"> tag for the given revisioned file.